List of alumni who entered Tutorial in the 1960s
Items listed in red denote additions this month.
NAME (married name in brackets) |
Adams (Hercules), Maylene |
1963-1967 |
Kitty |
St. Albans, New York, United States |
Mhercules89@hotmail.com |
Accounting |
Agard, Leyland |
1967-1972 |
Charlestown |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
lsa4955@hotmail.com |
Housing Inspector |
Atkins (Nedd), Pamela |
1964-1970 |
Georgetown |
Mitchellville, Maryland United States |
pwsm@aol.com |
Medical Technologist/ Home-maker |
Bacchus, Paul "Pablo" |
1966-1969 |
Houston |
Sutherlands, St. John's, Antigua |
bacchus@candw.ag |
Agriculturalist |
Beckles (Hendy), Evelyn |
1968-1972 |
Campbellville |
Queens Village, New York, United States |
babyrae301@aol.com |
Medical Advocate |
Bernard, Cleveland |
1965-1969 |
Plaisance |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
crjb@aol.com |
Systems Programmer |
Blackman (Kobsar), Judy |
1965-1969 |
Queenstown |
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada |
judykobsar@hotmail.com |
Civil Servant |
Blue (Greene), Pansy |
1960-1963 |
Kitty |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
peagreene@netzero.net |
IRA Retirement Specialist |
Bonnett (Mcdonald), Patricia "Pat" |
1960-1964 |
Cummingsburg |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
--- |
Public School Teacher |
Bourne, Michael "Boney" |
1966-1971 |
Georgetown |
South Ruimveldt Gardens, Guyana |
hopkins@networksgy.net |
Aviation Law Enforcement |
Boyce, Patrick |
1961-1965 |
Georgetown |
Newark, New Jersey , United States |
Benefits Consultant |
Brandon, Cleopatra (Sinkamba Islar) |
1967-1972 |
Georgetown |
--- |
cislar@ifc.org |
--- |
Branker (Clarke), Janice |
1968-1973 |
Ruimveldt |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
jclarke@unicef.org |
Administrative Assistant |
Breedy, Carlton |
1965-1968 |
Georgetown |
Somerset, New Jersey, United States |
Carlton.C.Breedy@db.com |
Banking |
Brotherson Jr., Festus |
1961-1966 |
Bel Air Park |
Medina, Ohio, United States |
lysias2@yahoo.com |
Professor & Hon. Consul of Guyana, OH |
Cadogan, Albert Shurland |
1963-1965 |
Kitty |
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States |
acadogan@mindspring.com |
Information Architec |
Cadogan, Keith |
1966-1971 |
Alberttown |
Queens Village, New York, United States |
kecadog2@nyct.com |
Economist |
Callender, Compton "Celtics" |
1961-1963 |
Campbellville |
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States |
Ovidc@aol.com |
Retired MIS Manager |
Callender, John |
1966-1969 |
Lodge |
Queens Village, New York, United States |
jcallie720@aol.com |
Financial Analyst |
Clarke, Alfred |
1969-1973 |
Roxanne Burnham Gardens |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
jclarke@unicef.org |
Self-employed |
Cooper (Arrindell), Brenda |
1962-1965 |
Georgetown |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
barrind717@aol.com |
Social Worker |
Cumberbatch, Telbert "Bert" |
1960-1964 |
Sophia |
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada |
tcumberb@idirect.com |
Computer Technician |
Cummings (Ross), Bernadette |
1966-1970 |
Campbellville |
Newark, Delaware, United States |
coolberne@aol.com |
Public Relations / Banking |
Cummings, Robert |
1967-1971 |
Georgetown |
Conyers, Georgia, United States |
gtrobbie@aol.com |
Daniels, Herman |
1963-1967 |
Triumph |
Washington DC, United States |
DrDaniels202@aol.com |
Physician |
Daniels (Chichester), Joycelyn |
1963-1968 |
Charlestown |
Springfield Gardens, New York, United States |
jchichester@unicef.org |
Human Resource Assistant UNICEF |
De Nobrega, Venese |
1964-1968 |
Kitty |
Toronto, Canada |
venese1@msn.com |
Call Centre Coordinator |
Dummett (London), Berneta |
1966-1972 |
Prashad Nagar |
Mansfield, New Jersey, United States |
rohinital323@hotmail.com |
Analyst |
Edwards, Seigbert |
1960 |
Vreeden Hoop |
Temple Hills, Maryland , United States |
--- |
Retiree |
Forde, Gary |
1960-1966 |
Lodge |
St. Louis, Missouri , United States |
guyforde@aol.com |
Educational Researcher |
Fraser, Wayne |
1963-1968 |
Georgetown |
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States |
wfraser@dchousing.org |
Project Manager |
Garrett, Charles |
1964 - 1968 |
Lodge |
California, United States |
cgarrett@ch2m.com |
Civil Engineer |
Garrett, Phillip |
1962-1966 |
Lodge |
Atlanta, Georgia, United States |
garrettspip@hotmail.com |
Mgt Consultant |
George, Warren "Subby" |
1965-1970 |
Festival City |
Caversham Heights, Berkshire, United Kingdom |
wgeorge4900@aol.com |
Telecoms Manager |
Godfrey, Cecil |
1968-1971 |
South Ruimveldt |
East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania United States |
cecil@uplink.net |
Network Operations Specialist II |
Graham, Desmond |
1964-1968 |
Alberttown |
N. Miami Beach, Florida, United States |
leogrha@bellsouth.net |
Airline Manager |
Graham, Robert |
1965 |
Plaisance Village |
Washington, DC, United States |
RobGraham@starpower.net / Robert.Graham@fema.gov |
Management Analyst |
Haley, Joan |
1964-1967 |
Georgetown |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
--- |
Executive Administrative Assistant |
Hamlin (Woolford), Brenda |
1964-1968 |
Campbellville |
Staten Island, New York, United States |
Hamie145@aol.com |
N/Y State |
Harding, Terrence M. |
1962-1966 |
Alberttown |
Houston, Texas, United States |
terrencemharding@msn.com |
Consultant |
Haynes, Eileen |
1961-1965 |
Alberttown |
Springfield Gardens, New York, United States |
--- |
Admin |
Hecker, Winston |
1962-1966 |
Alberttown |
Rancho Cucamonga, California, United States |
winstonhecker@aol.com |
Financial Analyst |
Hercules (Rose), Cheryl |
1965-1970 |
West Ruimveldt |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
chrose4@hotmail.com |
Administrator |
Hestick, Byron |
1967-1969 |
Campbellville |
Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
bhestick@sympatico.ca |
Disability Claims Specialist |
Hinds, Keith |
1961-1965 |
Kitty |
--- |
hindskc@cs.com |
Internet Marketer |
Hodge, Eric |
1962-1966 |
Alberttown |
Pembroke Pines, Florida, United States |
eviking@bellsouth.net |
Retired / Instructor (pt) |
Hohenkirk, Wilfred |
1966-1969 |
Georgetown |
Kent, United Kingdom |
whohenkirk@hotmail.com |
Reprographics Director |
Holder (Bob-Semple), Faye |
1962-1967 |
Georgetown |
Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States |
fvholder@yahoo.com |
Proposal Capture Manager |
Holder, Michael |
1962-1967 |
Georgetown |
Seattle, Washington, United States |
--- |
CPA, Financial Manager |
Hollies, Allison |
1960-1967 |
Alberttown |
--- |
sunall@aol.com |
Housewife |
Hopkinson, Michael |
1966-1971 |
South Ruimveldt |
South Ruimveldt, Georgetown, Guyana |
hopkins@networksgy.com |
Electronic Engineer |
Isaacs, Max |
1964-1968 |
Lodge |
Brooklyn, New York , United States |
misaacs6@hotmail.com |
Technology Consultant |
Jonas, Ian |
1969-1972 |
Kitty |
Gardena, California, United States |
idjonas@aol.com |
Trade and Transportation |
Jordan (Miller), Barbara |
1966-1968 |
Newtown, Kitty |
Brooklyn, New York , United States |
MNIC554093@AOL.COM |
Jordan (Alert), Margot |
1960-1966 |
South Ruimveldt Gardens |
New Carrollton, Maryland, United States |
malert2000@yahoo.com |
Budget Analyst |
Khemraj, Ramgobind |
1966-1968 |
Mahaicony |
--- |
rkhemraj@elkhart.com |
Laboratory Manager |
Knights (Williams), Vernetta |
1968-1975 |
West Ruimveldt |
Lookout, Montserrat |
willvern_2000@yahoo.com |
Head Teacher |
La Rose (Campbell), Tessa |
1968-1972 |
Kingston |
Queens, New York, United States |
gtbinny@hotmail.com |
Nurse |
Lashley (Ferdinand), Cheryl |
1964-1970 |
Georgetown |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
ceequcee@aol.com |
Wholesale Creditor |
Layne (Sampson), Mandy |
1969-1971 |
Georgetown |
Ellenwood, Georgia, United States |
mandysampson@hotmail.com |
Team Leader (IT) |
Lewis, Maxine |
1965-1970 |
Georgetown |
Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States |
mlewis@bellsouth.net |
Business Analyst |
London, Lyttleton |
1967-1969 |
Georgetown |
Lithonia, Georgia, United States |
chiney18@hotmail.com |
Instructor |
Loo (Fields), Josephine |
1963-1968 |
Georgetown |
Tamarac, Florida, United States |
petmiloo@hotmail.com |
Accountant / Administration Assistant |
Lovell (Archambault), Annette |
1964-1970 |
Georgetown |
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada |
a.archambault@oecta.on.ca |
Accountant |
Luncheon, Frank |
1964-1969 |
Kitty |
Olney, Maryland, United States |
frank@luncheonweb.com |
Project Manager |
Mahon (Sam), Janet |
1964-1968 |
Vreed-en-Hoop |
Kissimmee, Florida, United States |
dijj2734@earthlink.net |
RN |
Marques (Wall), Elizabeth |
1961-1965 |
Kitty |
Irvington, New Jersey, United States |
samelal@bellatlantic.net |
Telecommunications Specialist |
Massay (Williams), Denise |
1964-1970 |
Kitty |
East Orange, New Jersey, United States |
denisemassay@aol.com |
Insurance Analyst |
McDowell, Lawrence |
1967-1970 |
South Ruimveldt Park |
Paterson , New Jersey, United States |
larromac@speakeasy.net |
Systems Analyst |
McFarlane (Hogans), Gwyneth |
1968 |
Kwakwani |
Conyers, Georgia, United States |
gwynethhogans@hotmail.com |
Computer Support Supervisor |
McKenzie, Franklin |
1964-1969 |
Plaisance |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
CharlesAltec@AOL.COM |
Driving School Owner |
McKenzie (Granville), Pauline |
1967-1969 |
Meadow Brook Gardens |
Queens Village, New York, United States |
pgranville@bear.com |
Executive Administrative Assistant |
McLean, Lloyd |
1968-1973 |
Lodge |
St Albans, New York, United States |
stellin@aol.com |
Millington, Cyril |
1962-1968 |
Agricola |
St. Albans, New York, United States |
cyril.millington@verizon.net |
Engineer Telecommunication |
Milner (Cumberbatch), Angela |
1964-1967 |
Vreed-en-Hoop |
Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States |
cumberbatchangeo@aol.com |
Claims Adjuster |
Moseley (Waldron), Joan |
--- |
Kitty |
Marietta, Georgia, United States |
aewaldron@gateway.net |
Sr. Disability Specialist |
Moseley , Leslie "Les" |
1969-1974 |
Campbellville |
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States |
lomamh@mindspring.com |
SVP, Regional Manager - Bank of America |
Moseley (Phillips), Lynette C. |
1962-1967 |
Kitty |
East Brunswick, New Jersey, United States |
carolemoseley@aol.com |
Administrative Assistant |
Moseley (Williams), Pamela |
1962-1967 |
Georgetown |
Miami, Florida, United States |
paw6@ntrs.com |
Bank Manager |
Murray, Michael |
1965-1968 |
South Ruimveldt |
New Orleans , Louisiana, United States |
guyanamike@aol.com |
Engineer |
Neblett (Rutherford), Avril |
1964-1968 |
Georgetown |
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, United States |
eustlr@yahoo.com |
Ultrasound Technologist |
Nurse, Donald |
1961-1966 |
North R'Uimveldt |
Willingboro, New Jersey, United States |
demtwo@worldnet.att.net |
Facilities Manager |
Northey, Orin |
1969 |
Queenstown |
Saskatoon, Canada |
reevasi@hotmail.com |
Self-Employed |
Osborne (Scott), Patsy |
1964-1968 |
Kitty |
Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
laureen.scott@carswell.com |
Content Editor |
Payne (Davis), Gwendoline |
1961-1965 |
South Ruimveldt Park |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
gd3544@aol.com |
Principal Administrative Associate |
Pellew (Dougall), Bridgette |
1960-1965 |
Ann's Grove |
Silver Spring, Maryland United States |
annsgrove@aol.com |
Manager, Administrtion |
Pickering, Ron |
1962-1966 |
Georgetown |
New York, United States |
prinpatkdl@aol.com |
Sys Consultant |
Pieters ,Godfrey |
1968-1971 |
South Ruimveldt |
East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, United States |
cecil@uplink.net |
Network Operations Specialist II |
Pitt (Sampson), Gem |
1962-1964 |
Georgetown |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
--- |
Family Assistant |
Quallis (Marshall), Donna |
1964-1967 |
Campbellville |
East Orange, New Jersey, United States |
stevermarshall@aol.com |
Realtor |
Robertson, Philbert |
1969-1972 |
V/Hoop |
East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, United States |
philbert.robertson@attws.com |
Mobile Switch Manager |
Roman (Edwards), Pamela |
1961-1965 |
Georgetown |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
--- |
Nurse |
Rutherford, Eustace |
1961-1965 |
Farm Mahaicony |
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, United States |
eustlr@yahoo.com |
Educator |
Sampson, Barbara |
1965-1970 |
Charlestown |
Hillside, New Jersey, United States |
sampsonb@gtlaw.com |
Legal Support Assistant |
Sampson (Powdar), J. Carol |
1966-1971 |
Charlestown |
New Milford, Connecticut, United States |
julram@aol.com |
Accountant |
Sampson, Maitlan |
1962-1967 |
Georgetown |
Kissimmee, Florida, United States |
maits49@aol.com |
Accountant |
Sampson, Sherlock |
1964-1968 |
West Ruimveldt |
Ellenwood, Georgia, United States |
--- |
Supervisor - Office Furniture |
Sargeant, Orrin |
1961-1965 |
Lodge |
Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States |
osargeant@atlantalife.com |
Finance Manager |
Semple, Ellen |
1966 - 1971 |
Werk-en-Rust |
Clarkston, Georgia , United States |
dasems@langate.gsu.edu |
Human Resources Administration |
Serrao (Carr), Donna |
1966-1971 |
Queenstown |
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
donna.carr@gov.ab.ca |
Accountant |
Simon, Murtland "Monty" |
1965-1971 |
Georgetown |
Toledo, Ohio, United States |
murtlandsimon@cs.com |
Eligibility Specialist |
Simon, Philip |
1964-1969 |
Georgetown |
Orlando, Florida, United States |
Guyanaphil@aol.com |
Chief Operating Officer |
Smartt (Charles), Patricia |
1967-1972 |
Georgetown |
Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom |
sibung@hotmail.com |
Accounts Payable Supervisor |
Smartt, Patrick |
1962-1966 |
Albouystown |
Farmington Hills, Michigan, United States |
psmartt@ford.com |
Product Engineer |
Smith, Monty |
1964-1969 |
Worthmanville |
Adelphi, Maryland, United States |
ublink@aol.com |
Electrical Engineer |
Smith, Terrence Ivor |
1964-1968 |
Queenstown |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
tismith@earthlink.net |
US Bank Regulator |
Stephenson, Maurice |
1966-1971 |
Georgetown |
Santa Monica, California, United States |
mastep4802@aol.com |
Research Scientist |
Talbot (Zammett), Desiree |
1962-1966 |
Wortmanville |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
gtdesi50@aol.com |
Homemaker |
Taylor (Harte), Sandra |
1968-1970 |
Georgetown |
Irvington, New Jersey, United States |
sharte118@aol.com |
Politician / Teacher |
Telford (Willabus), Bevily |
1964-1969 |
South Ruimveldt |
Decatur, Georgia, United States |
--- |
Construction Project Manager |
Telford, Lyttleton |
1960-1964 |
Kitty |
Queens, New York, United States |
bilbh@cunyvm.cuny.edu |
Accountant |
Thomas, Joel |
1967-1972 |
Georgetown |
Newark, New Jersey, United States |
jhilthomas@cs.com |
IT Professional |
Tyrell (Campbell), Audrey |
1962-1966 |
Ruimveldt |
Brooklyn, New York, United States |
reanna285@AOL.com |
Admin. Asst. |
Van Veen, Paul "Pablo" |
1961-1966 |
Alberttown |
N. Miami Beach, Florida, United States |
andyv47@aol.com |
Administrator |
Vincent, Orin |
1963-1968 |
Georgetown |
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
orsan@telus.net |
Self-Employed |
Watts, Clyde |
1962-1967 |
Plaisance |
Mitchelleville, Maryland, United States |
--- |
Supervisor, Metro System |
White, Joan |
1960-1965 |
Georgetown |
Los Angeles, California, United States |
joan_white@hotmail.com |
Insurance |
Wiltshire (Jones), Lorna |
1967-1971 |
Georgetown |
Katy, Texas, United States |
doonie_56@yahoo.com |
Payroll Clerk |
Williams (Wright), Thelma |
1963-1966 |
West Ruimveldt |
Hillside, New Jersey, United States |
sfctw@netscape.com |
Administrative Assistant |
Woolford , Gordon |
1962-1967 |
Campbellville |
Staten Island, New York, United States |
cwoolf1175@aol.com |
Registered Nurse |
Wright, Phillip |
1968-1973 |
Ruimveldt |
Hillside, New Jersey, United States |
ruffblk@yahoo.com |
Telco. Tech. Support |
Wrong, Keith |
1966-1969 |
Georgetown |
Miami, Florida, United States |
klcsw@bellsouth.net |
Educator |
Choose Another Decade